This is the changelog for Spyro theme, if you don't have a valid license, Buy Now.

v1.1.0 (24 August 2023)
* Updated: WooCommerce Cart Template
* Fixed: Php warnings and deprecations
* Fixed: Demo import page missing checkboxes and import button

v1.0.9 (23 June 2023)
* Added: be_theme_spyro_show_cart_added_sidebar filter to hide sidebar after product is added to cart.
* Fixed: WooCommerce Template Outdated issue.
* Fixed: WooCommerce JS error with Yith Woocommerce Plugin.
* Fixed: WooCommerce Cart Layout issue when cart is empty.
* Fixed: WooCommerce Cart Issue after WooCommerce v7.8.0 update.
* Fixed: WooCommerce PHP error if Reviews Tab is removed using 3rd party plugins.
* Fixed: Update Check and Licensing logic.
* Fixed: Sanitization of License data.
* Fixed: Private Vimeo Video issue.
* Fixed: License Field CSS issue on theme dashboard page.
* Tweak: License Field will be readonly if license is valid.
* Fixed: Back to top button missing if the footer builder is used

v1.0.8 (7 December 2022)
* Added: WooCommerce Order Receipt Page template
* Fixed: Woocommerce Payment Page Template

v1.0.7 (20 April 2022)
* Fixed: Related post title link

v1.0.6 (16 March 2022)
* Fixed: Update notification available without purchase code also
* Added: Purchase code validation
* Fixed: Modify License form
* Added: Check for updates
* Added: Manage TGM update
* Fixed: Woocommerce Variable product add to cart template

v1.0.5 (22 February 2022)
* Fixed: Kirki plugin Compatibility
* Merged: Typehub and Colorhub with Tatsu

* Fixed: Woocommerce CSS
* Fixed: Products page result count and filter layout
* Fixed: Demo settings Import
* Fixed: Woocommerce quick view product popup

* Fixed : Update checker

* Fixed: Woocommerce order-details-item template

* Fixed : Portfolio details section styles